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April 27, 2024

Yes – Major Health Institutions Are Recommending PRP Therapy

It is easy to dismiss PRP therapy and its stem cell cousin as quackery based on isolated stories of cases gone wrong. And yet, a growing number of well-respected individuals and healthcare institutions are getting on board with regenerative medicine. The Cleveland Clinic is one of them.

How do we respond when the Cleveland Clinic recommends PRP as a relatively safe option for treating chronic osteoarthritis pain? It’s one thing to label a Florida doctor with no name recognition as a quack; it is an entirely different matter to apply the same label to an institution as respected as the Cleveland Clinic.

The primary lesson is this: regenerative medicine procedures like PRP and stem cell injections deserve the same kind of scientific respect as other breakthrough therapies. It is not appropriate to look at a comparatively small number of cases gone wrong and use them to declare the entire regenerative medicine industry illegitimate.

PRP Injections for Osteoarthritis

Getting back to the Cleveland Clinic, they offer a very informative article on their website detailing the many options for treating chronic osteoarthritis pain in the knee. The article offers information in a straightforward, fact-based format that appears to be free of bias.

Among the Clinic’s recommendations are pain medications and knee braces. The article goes on to explain both options in great detail. Then the piece talks about PRP therapy. It is discussed in conjunction with other injection therapies, such as corticosteroid injections.

We should note that the article does not endorse PRP therapy as better than any of the other options. In fact, the article shows no favoritism to any of the treatments discussed within its text. Information is presented with every attempt to allow the reader to make his or her own choices.

So why would someone choose PRP injections over one of the other options? According to the Advanced Regenerative Medicine Institute (ARMI), there are as many reasons as there are patients making that choice. At the top of the list is an aversion to pain medication and joint replacement surgery. People look to PRP injections because they want an alternative.

PRP Therapy Is a Safe

Perhaps the biggest take away from the Cleveland Clinic piece, at least where PRP therapy is concerned, is the idea that PRP injections are considered safe. The article refers to them as “low-risk options” that pose very little danger of complication.

This is the one part about PRP therapy that so many people misunderstand. They read horror stories about treatments resulting in severe injury and just assume that PRP and stem cell therapies are dangerous across the board. They are not.

We Americans love sensational stories that excite our emotions. Unfortunately, it is more entertaining to read about a small number of patients injured by careless doctors than the thousands of success stories that could otherwise be documented every day. And because we tend to gravitate toward the sensational, we also tend to believe that the sensational is really the norm.

The Future Looks Bright

Despite the sensationalism and general negativity of some in the medical community, PRP therapy has a bright future. That future is bright enough to encourage greater numbers of well-respected doctors and institutions to get on board.

When an institution like the Cleveland Clinic promotes PRP injections as a viable, low-risk option for osteoarthritis treatment, it’s time to stand up and take notice. Such an endorsement is clear evidence that PRP therapy has a place at the table. Let’s not dismiss it entirely due to a comparatively small number of bad outcomes.

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Lower back pain and associated back problems

Low back pain i.e. pain in lumber region of spine, may be caused by sprains and strains due to sudden twisting movement, lifting heavy items without proper technique, falls, injuries to muscles and muscle spasm. Usually lower back pain is relieved with rest, heat or ice packs or taking mild analgesics. However, low back pain due to injuries to spine, spondylitis or herniated disc, are more severe and require medical attention.

Most frequently seen back problems associated with lower back are Sciatica, Slip disc, Whiplash injury, Lumber and thoracic fractures and Spinal decompression. For adequate, efficient and cost effective lower back pain Singapore treatment, visit the prestigious Specialist Pain International clinic that is known for its patient care and specialized pain management.

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Hair loss this winter: Top 5 ways to deal with it

When winter comes around, you won’t be surprised to see yourself losing a lot of more hair in the shower than you usually do. The cause you suffer from an excessive amount of hair loss in the winter is because the dry air outside extract all the moisture from your scalp, and makes it dry as well. A dry scalp is one of the causes of hair fall. It leads to dry hair, and dry hair results in breakage and hair loss in men and women both. Don’t only blame the air outside, however. One of the responsible factors for your hair fall is your  home’s heating system which makes you hair dry and prone to breakage. You should also note that a dry scalp leads to dandruff, which makes your head feel itchy and unhealthy. This, together with dry air, can cause a large amount of hair loss in the winter.

You’re possibly wondering what you can do to make sure your hair doesn’t fall out or break in the colder months of the year. Read on, and you’ll find out what you need to do to hair fall control.

  1. Oil massages

Being tremendously relaxing, oil massages are great way of stop hair loss in the winter. Oils such as almond oil and olive oil are great for your hair, as they give your hair and scalp with the right vitamins and fatty acids essential to fight the winter. Jojoba oil is a wonderful moisturizer for your hair and helps hair growth.

  1. Consume the right vitamins

The right vitamins can do wonders to your hair, and make it really strong enough to battle against arid and cold air of winter.

  1. Use the right kind of shampoo and conditioner

You’ve got to switch your hair care routine to include products that will do your hair good and fight hair fall if you’re dealing with hair loss in the winter.

  1. Use a hair mask

The special hair mask in the winter is also a great way to give your hair the moisture it needs to become less prone to breaking. A deep conditioning mask is a great way to keep your hair hydrated, and check it from drying out and becoming dull and lifeless.

  1. Prevent Hair Breakage. Hair breakage is general during winter; this can be controlled by using a wide-toothed comb, instead of hair brush. Drinking plenty of water helps prevent hair breakage as it keeps the body adequately hydrated.

Make these tips a part of your hair loss solutions routine and your hair won’t even notice that winter is here. An additional care can go a long way when it comes to guarantee hair health.

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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children and teens – Knowing the symptoms

PTSD or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a rather common condition among children and teens and there are few adults who wish to believe. The data compiled at the National Child Traumatic Stress Network showed that a considerable number of children have already been exposed to trauma which was left untreated and which developed into PTSD. How can older adults and parents assist teens and children who are living with untreated and undiagnosed PTSD to find out what they need?

The secret is that there are various things you should know about PTSD before you decide to help someone, whether a teen or a child. The foremost step to take is to understand the symptoms of PTSD as they are the same for toddlers and babies. Here are few symptoms that you should be aware of.

#1: Flashbacks

Once they develop the skills of language, children may start describing the intrusive and unanticipated thoughts on the initial trauma. This is more common within the initial few weeks of the trauma and these thoughts will continue long after that period of time and these are symptoms of PTSD.

#2: Not accepting an event

Children who are old enough to remember things clearly about a traumatic occurence will deny the event totally. They would prefer burying the pain within themselves than accepting the reality of the trauma that they went through. As these feelings are all left unprocessed and untreated, the painful mental wounds gradually develop into PTSD. The sooner children get treated with this, the better for them.

#3: Physical reaction

When you remind the child of this initial trauma, the older ones can complain of suffering from vague illnesses like headaches and stomach-aches. Don’t think that this pain in fake as it is totally true but the reasons can remain undiagnosed. Adults may think that the pain is all in the head but this is a rather big symptom of PTSD.

#4: Getting startled easily

Depending on the kind of trauma which you experience, children can jump high whenever they hear loud noises or they can even become skittish during situations which are in some way similar to the initial trauma. Children who suffered from physical abuse will also feel hesitated whenever there is an adult hand which comes near him/her.

Therefore, if you’re wondering about the symptoms to be aware of among children who suffer from PTSD, you can take into account the above mentioned ones.

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