When winter comes around, you won’t be surprised to see yourself losing a lot of more hair in the shower than you usually do. The cause you suffer from an excessive amount of hair loss in the winter is because the dry air outside extract all the moisture from your scalp, and makes it dry as well. A dry scalp is one of the causes of hair fall. It leads to dry hair, and dry hair results in breakage and hair loss in men and women both. Don’t only blame the air outside, however. One of the responsible factors for your hair fall is your home’s heating system which makes you hair dry and prone to breakage. You should also note that a dry scalp leads to dandruff, which makes your head feel itchy and unhealthy. This, together with dry air, can cause a large amount of hair loss in the winter.
You’re possibly wondering what you can do to make sure your hair doesn’t fall out or break in the colder months of the year. Read on, and you’ll find out what you need to do to hair fall control.
- Oil massages
Being tremendously relaxing, oil massages are great way of stop hair loss in the winter. Oils such as almond oil and olive oil are great for your hair, as they give your hair and scalp with the right vitamins and fatty acids essential to fight the winter. Jojoba oil is a wonderful moisturizer for your hair and helps hair growth.
- Consume the right vitamins
The right vitamins can do wonders to your hair, and make it really strong enough to battle against arid and cold air of winter.
- Use the right kind of shampoo and conditioner
You’ve got to switch your hair care routine to include products that will do your hair good and fight hair fall if you’re dealing with hair loss in the winter.
- Use a hair mask
The special hair mask in the winter is also a great way to give your hair the moisture it needs to become less prone to breaking. A deep conditioning mask is a great way to keep your hair hydrated, and check it from drying out and becoming dull and lifeless.
- Prevent Hair Breakage. Hair breakage is general during winter; this can be controlled by using a wide-toothed comb, instead of hair brush. Drinking plenty of water helps prevent hair breakage as it keeps the body adequately hydrated.
Make these tips a part of your hair loss solutions routine and your hair won’t even notice that winter is here. An additional care can go a long way when it comes to guarantee hair health.