What You Need to Know Before You Get Your Ears Pinned

Ear pinning or reshaping, which is also known as otoplasty, is a procedure that’s helped countless patients achieve a more desirable ear position and shape.

While surgical otoplasty was once the only way to correct your ears, no-incision otoplasty is fast becoming the preferred option.

Unlike traditional otoplasty, no-incision otoplasty uses non-absorbable sutures to reshape and reposition the ear, which means anaesthesia, incisions and scarring are eliminated.

8 Things you need to know before pinning your ears

If you’re considering non-surgical otoplasty, here are a few things that you should know:

  1. You are never too old to correct your ears

Fortunately, the only requirement of non-surgical otoplasty is that the patient be 8 years or older, which means that you can pin your ears back at any age.

  1. It’s a pain-free procedure

A local anaesthetic is used for all no-incision otoplasty procedures, making it a comfortable and relaxing experience for all patients. If patients do experience any mild discomfort, it can easily be managed with pain medication.

  1. Your ears will never look exactly the same

Even though your surgeon will be able to make your ears look as similar as possible, the contours of your ears will always be different, which means you should be realistic about your expectations and understand that you will never be able to achieve perfect symmetry.

  1. Downtime is minimal

Unlike traditional otoplasty that requires several months of recovery, non-surgical otoplasty will only require patients to rest for one or two days before they can return to their normal daily activities. Patients also won’t need to wear any bulky bandages; only a headband needs to be worn at night.

  1. Permanent sutures can move and come undone

No-incision otoplasty procedures that are performed at an ear pinning clinic like Dr Zurek are always done with the utmost care. However, there is always a chance that your sutures could come undone, meaning a revision may be required.

  1. You will need to stay away from contact sports for a while

Any sports that could damage your ears should be avoided, particularly for the first 3 months after your procedure. Even after your ears are healed, it’s advisable to be as cautious as possible when playing any type of sports in order to keep your ears intact. A headband will generally help.

  1. Your insurance probably won’t pay for this procedure

Because otoplasty isn’t performed to correct your hearing, most insurance providers won’t pay for this procedure so you should be prepared to pay for it yourself. Fortunately, no-incision otoplasty is far more affordable than traditional otoplasty

  1. Otoplasty is an art

There aren’t many surgeons who specialise in ear surgery. Otoplasty is somewhat of an art as it is a very delicate procedure that requires experience and training. If you’re considering no-incision otoplasty, it’s always important to research your surgeon to make sure that they have the required certifications, qualifications and experience to assist you with this niche procedure.